Music & Film Industry Legends including Annie Lennox, Jonathan Glazer, Brian Cox and Tilda Swinton Donate to Cinema for Gaza Auction

Film journalists and filmmakers Hanna Flint, Julia Jackman, Leila Latif, Sophie Monks Kaufman and Helen Simmons have founded Cinema For Gaza and organised an auction to support Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP). Donations have flown in from a wide range of film talents from the UK and beyond. These include Tilda Swinton, Jonathan Glazer, Ramy Youssef, Juliette Larthe, Peter Capaldi, Imelda Staunton, Brian Cox, Joseph Quinn, Mike Leigh, Misan Harriman, Joanna Hogg, Aimee Lou Wood and Josh O’Connor.

Highlights of the auction include a bedtime story read by Tilda Swinton, house seats at Long Day’s Journey into Night and a meet & greet with the play’s star Brian Cox, ‘Zone of Interest’ film posters signed by Oscar-winning Director Jonathan Glazer, a mentoring zoom session with award-winning film producer and PRETTYBIRD UK Co-Founder Juliette Larthe, a portrait taken by Oscar-nominated filmmaker and photographer Misan Harriman, a walk-on part in Gurinder Chadha’s next film, two tickets to a screening of Naqqash Khalid’s psychological showbiz satire IN CAMERA and a mentoring session with Naqqash, handwritten lyrics to Annie Lennox’s iconic song ‘Sweet Dreams’ and a chance to be serenaded by Olly Alexander over zoom.

MAP works for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees. They provide immediate medical aid to those in great need, while also developing local capacity and skills to ensure the long-term development of the Palestinian healthcare system. They are currently responding to the emergency in Gaza.

The auction is online from Tuesday 2nd April at 9:00 BST until Friday 12th April at 00:00 BST. Bid on the lots here: Cinema for Gaza Auction


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